A Message From Chief Executive
Officer and Founder
Lincoln Leadership Academy Charter School began as a dream more than twenty years ago. I “dreamed” of a public school where “at-promise” children and youth, who society deems to be “at-risk,” would receive a free, high-quality public education in small learning communities where they would be challenged and nurtured in a holistic manner.
The idea was to create a school where students and adults would develop strong relationships based on trust, honor and respect. I envisioned a place where character and integrity would not only be taught, but modeled by staff and faculty…a school where life-on-life transformation was a non-negotiable expectation…a “no-excuses” school where students would learn to succeed not in spite of their life circumstances, but because of them!
Given the challenging and difficult lives that many of our children face, I believed that we had a moral duty to step up and take action. Thus, Lincoln Leadership Academy Charter School was born!
- Sandra Figueroa-Torres